Policies and disclosures

Responsible investment policy

Corporate social responsibility policy

Diversity and inclusion statement

Transparency statement on modern slavery

Shareholder rights directive II

Investment scam warning

Sustainable finance disclosure regulation

TCFD entity report

Use of Winton name and logo policy

Alpha capture privacy notice

Stewardship code statement


MIFIDPRU 8 disclosure


If you are dissatisfied with a regulated service provided to you by Winton Capital Management Limited you may contact us via the website or may contact the Compliance team.

We take every complaint seriously and your complaint will be handled in accordance with the relevant rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”).  Winton Capital Management Limited has a written internal complaint handling policy as required by the FCA rules. Information about the complaint handing policy can be provided on request.

In the event we fail to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, or if we fail to do so within eight weeks of receiving your complaint, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.  The Financial Ombudsman publishes information on their website regarding the types of complaints that they can help with.