Alternative investment allocation / Systematic trend following

Winton Trend Fund (UCITS)

The Winton Trend Fund accesses the trend-following strategies that Winton has been trading and refining since October 1997. The fund seeks to deliver diversifying returns by following medium-term price trends, up and down, across a diverse universe of commodities, currencies, stock indices and fixed income.


The investment objective of the fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation through compound growth.

Who is the Fund for?

Investors seeking capital appreciation over the long term.

Investors seeking an alternative to traditional investment strategies.

Investors seeking exposure to multiple asset classes and markets as part of a diversified portfolio.

Key Facts

2 July 2018
UCITS-compliant ICAV
Global futures and forwards
Minimum Investment
Base Currency
Hedged Share Classes
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV
Citco Fund Services (Ireland) Ltd.
1.06% ongoing charges (0.8% management fee) per annum

Fund Documents

Register an interest

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Important Information: The Winton Trend Fund (UCITS) (the "Fund") is a sub-fund of Winton UCITS Funds ICAV (the "Company"). The Company is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an undertaking for collective investment in Transferable Securities pursuant to the UCITS Regulations. This webpage is prepared by Winton Capital Management Limited ("Winton") which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: 20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7AN.

This webpage is a summary only and potential investors must refer to the prospectus, the supplement and the Key Investor Information Document ("KIID") for the Fund, which is available on this page. This webpage is not a recommendation to purchase or sell any investments.

The value of an investment and any income derived from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back their original amount invested. The information on this webpage is believed to be materially correct but Winton makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness and accepts no liability for any inaccuracy or omission. This material is not suitable for distribution in the United States or to US Persons.

First Fund Independent Services Ltd, with registered office at Klausstrasse 33, CH – 8008 Zurich, Switzerland has been appointed to act as Swiss representative and NPB Neue Privat Bank AG, with registered office at Limmatquai 1/am Bellevue, P.O. Box CH – 80222 Zurich, Switzerland has been appointed to act as Swiss paying agent of the Company. The prospectus, the instrument of incorporation, the Key Investor Information Document as well as the annual and semi-annual report pertaining to the Fund can be obtained free of charge on this webpage or from the Swiss representative. The place of performance and jurisdiction in relation to shares distributed in Switzerland is at the registered office of the Swiss representative.

Who is the Fund for?

- Investors seeking capital appreciation over the long term.
- Investors seeking an alternative to traditional investment strategies.
- Investors seeking exposure to multiple asset classes and markets as part of a diversified portfolio.

Key risks to consider

- Derivatives – The Fund invests in futures and forwards, which are financial derivative instruments that can increase the size of gains and losses.
- Commodity-related and macroeconomic risk – The Fund will gain exposure to the performance of equities, equity indices, government bonds, interest rates, currencies and commodities, all of which can be volatile and influenced by economic and political developments.
- Process risk – There may be issues with the systems and mathematical models that Winton uses to implement the Fund's strategy or the processes and procedures related to those systems.

A more comprehensive list of risks is provided in the Company's prospectus and Fund supplement.